About Fun Fit Adventure

Family-run Teardrop Caravan business

Fun Fit Adventure started back in October 2016 as a way to share our adventures as we travelled around Australia in an off-road camping trailer


Having lived and worked in Perth, Australia for nearly 7 years, we are now back in the UK. Having enjoyed our time with an off-road camper so much, we have taken our passion and turned it into our business, with a philosophy to bring you beautifully designed, robust innovative products that we love and that allow you to enjoy the outdoors in any weather.

 Our Team

Richard Brown

Richard has always had a love for the outdoors, being involved with Scouts for over 35 years. He has camped across the world in many different camping setups moving to camping trailers whilst exploring the outback in Australia. If he’s not out exploring the wild with a mini-caravan you will find him out hiking the hills or out exploring on his mountain bike.

Sarah Brown

Sarah makes up the other half of the FFA team. She has a passion for travelling and exploring the outdoors. Sarah loves to be out trail running, entering many events and part of the local trail running club. Like Richard she loves to be out hiking and Mountain Biking and often taking a mini-caravan with her.

Our Showroom

Visit Us


Woodland Barn
West Bingfield
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE19 2LF

Please contact us to book a viewing appointment


Check out all the locations of our ambassadors around the UK.

Proud Dealer of HeroCamper